Friday, January 21, 2011

bball and bio

so yesterday, our church team had our 2nd game...

and we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was a great game! we won by 1, it was a nail biter! it might have been the most fun I've had playing a basketball game in my life.... its debatable though ha ha. made even more fun by all the support there! almost the entire green lds team (our other team) was there for the second half, as well as many parents! all the langfords were there as well! i am really glad for all that support, the game came down to the wire and i was feeling the pressure!

ps.... for all those at the game, who saw my end of the game drives trying 2 draw fouls... and the falls i took ha ha, i have some insane bruises on my knees! ;) i got a little lecture about being careful about how i fall so i don't injure myself!

now.... on to the bio part.... this class is torture, DON'T TAKE IT!!!!! i really enjoy the subject biology and i guess saying the class is torture don't take it is an over exaggeration...... but really, it is crazy the amount of time our teacher expects you to put in. let me give you insight..... this weekend i have to do quite a few things since i am only going to be assigned more stuff during the week and i highly doubt ill have time to do any of this if i don't get it done this weekend.... especially since this is just one class.

 a "long lab report" which consists of a 15 page packet full of essay form questions, and i also have 2 do multiple other things, wont go into detail, but it takes approx. 5 pages typed, single space, 12 font. due Thursday
 i also have a "short lab report" which is a 5 page packet and a few graphs and charts showing the data from the lab and i have to look at the pictures of about 150 cells and decide if they are in prophase metaphase anaphase or telophase. due Tuesday.
then i have to read a 15 page chapter in the textbook and fill out a 3 page packet with notes from it. by Monday.
i also have a test on unit one on Thursday. and her tests are meant to prepare you for the AP test.... from what i have heard a 60% on the AP test will earn you a 4 which is accepted as credit at any schools. it is a very solid score. thankfully, she assigns tons of work to pad your grade so you can afford to fail tests.

and finally, due 10 days is an abstract. these are really truly torture. you take a 5+ page scientific article from an approved source and write a paper on it. sounds easy right? ya...... except i cannot even comprehend these articles, writing a paper on them is out of the question!

if anyone happens to be skilled at biology.......... please let me know!!!!!!!!!! i could very much use some knowledge!


  1. Welcome to the world of AP classes! I'm not really good at biology, but I wish you luck and perseverance. :) You can do it!

  2. Oh, and congratulations on the win!!! :D
